1. REDISCOVERING HOME: With the ongoing global uncertainties such as fluctuating travel restrictions, health concerns, and economic challenges affecting cost of travel, many individuals are opting to explore destinations that are closer to home. By choosing to explore their own backyard, travellers can minimise their carbon footprint associated with long-haul flights and reduce the strain on overcrowded tourist hotspots. This does not necessarily mean that long flights are completely out of the picture or spending is drastically reduced, but a reminder that “The thing wey you dey find for Sokoto dey for your shokoto”. This African proverb simply means what you may be searching for far away is right within your reach.

2. SOLO ESCAPADES: There’s something undeniably liberating about embarking on a solo trip, isn’t there? In 2024, solo travel takes centre stage as more and more adventurers set out to chart their own course. It’s the perfect opportunity to break free from the routine, discover new passions, and create unforgettable memories on your own terms.


3. BLEISURE TRAVELLING: The blend of business and leisure which found its way to the travel dictionary as ‘bleisure’, is taking the tourism world by storm. The younger professionals are constantly on the lookout for inspiring places to meet and work. In 2024, bleisure travellers are on the rise, blending work commitments with leisure adventures in the most exciting destinations around the globe. So why settle for boring boardrooms when you can turn your business trips into unforgettable experiences?

4. DIGITAL DETOX: In a world that’s constantly connected, the ability to disconnect from the “global village” is luxury. From yoga retreats to wellness resorts, there are plenty of destinations where you can press pause, unwind, and rediscover the beauty of living in the moment and reconnecting with yourself.



5. FLIGHT-FREE ALTERNATIVES: Environmental consciousness is steering travellers towards flight-free alternatives, and train travel is making a grand comeback. Europe’s extensive rail network, for example, offers an eco-friendly way to explore the continent and other destinations around the globe are taking a major cue from that. Picture boarding a train in Paris and waking up in the Swiss Alps, or cruising through the rolling hills of Tuscany. Train travel brings back the romance of the journey, allowing you to savour the changing landscapes and slow down.

This is where you may want to drop your cup of coffee and let us know which of these trends resonates with you more. Oh! And don’t stop there, make plans to ensure that nothing holds you back from charting your travel escapades in 2024.

  1. I’m beginning to like the blog posts from 247travels, and I always look forward to reading them.
    I’ve been dreaming about going on a solo trip for a long time now, and this post just gave me a reason to take my thoughts and plans serious.
    Kudos to the entire team, please keep sharing these blogs for us.

  2. Beautiful written. I honestly think everyone needs a digital detox whenever possible and I’m looking forward to that.

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